Author Archives: Burell Built Exteriors

Is Slate a Good Roofing Material?

slate roof

What is a Slate Roof Tile?

For its beautiful style and durable capability, many homeowners love slate tile roofing for their homes. Being made of rocks that were formed through intense heat and pressure are known for the capability they bring to the roofs they are installed. Also known as the hundred year old roof, slate tile roofing brings fire resistance and water resistance to the roof as well. As a truly natural roof, the materials that go into the final product are entirely unique and from a quarry they were formed. With the final result adding a highly appraised amount of curbside appeal, slate tile roofing can also resist weather like:

  • Rain
  • Wind
  • Snow

With roof replacement being proven to add value to your home’s resale value, it has the capacity to add value to your home. With the significant percentage of value you can stand to gain and with the resistance slate roofing naturally provides, you can enjoy a superior process when improving or selling your home. Furthermore, particularly with a replacement or new roof installation, slat roofing has been known to save customers on repair costs due to their naturally resistant nature and long lasting appeal. So if you want to learn more about getting yourself a slate roof or the benefits you could stand to gain from one, call 865-238-2628 today.

How do you Maintain a Slate Roof?

All residential roof options on the market require maintenance over time by roofers to get their full potential. This is generally due to natural occurrences in the weather, such as storms and the winds moving debris or bringing with them hail. This includes slate tile roofing too, though it tends to be on a much lesser scale than other roofs. Being one of the oldest types of roofs used, the nickname hundred year roof is by no means one that is given without a reason. Slate roofs can last between one hundred to two hundred years in the right environment and care. Such examples of care include:

  • Preventing standing water on your roof
  • Keeping debris from sitting on the roof
  • Regular roof inspections
  • When damaged, repairs made promptly 

Residential roofing providers, like our team at Burell Built Exteriors, are capable of applying all of these services and more. In most environments, whether in naturally sweltering or frigid areas, slate roofs do particularly well. Further than that, skilled roofers can easily apply repairs if there is ever damages present after events of hard weather or accidental actions. Similar to tile roofing, slate offers to both be easy to maintain and also a solid roof to defend any home it’s installed to.

Which is Better Slate or Tile Roof?

When the average person looks up at either slate or tile, there would not be a difference. However, there are actually drastic differences between the two that apply significantly to both homeowners and roofers that apply them. Roof tiles or a tile roof are is made generally out of clay or similar manufactured materials. Comparably to slate tile roofing, are actually less effective in ways such as:

  • While both are meant to last, slate can last significantly longer
  • Slate is more resistant to weather than tile by a marginal degree
  • In terms of impact, slate can take more especially when considering hail

An unfortunate problem that occurs more often in tile than slate is the occurrence of leaks in the roof. While both are considered water resistant, disturbed tiles and slates can have the tendency to leak. However, older slate roofs and those that are efficiently put on presently are not susceptible to leaks thanks to how they are installed. Whether they have underlayment or not, modern slate roofs are known to be one of the best roofs to when it comes to rain and snow. Tile roofs are thereby less effective when compared to slate.

slate roof repair

Can you Seal a Slate Roof?

While still a heavily effective type of roof, slate tile roofs do not respond as well to many of the advancements in roofing Techniques. Sealing for example is not recommended for the traditional style roof due largely to that the natural weight of the stone slates effectively do the job themselves. Furthermore, when a slate roof has been sealed, glued, or coated it makes it more difficult to repair. This is for more than one reason with that slate repair often relies on simply removing a singular slate, especially when it comes to if there is ever a leak from a damaged slate. Sealing and coating have a tendency to stick the stone slates together. This forces a process that means removing one to be a process that removes several. 

Walking on slate roofs should be handled with care, unlike tile roofs, you can walk on a slate roof. However, especially with older slate roofs, it is a hollow space you should be aware of. Particularly in the sense that the installation process does not as much trust nails, adhesive, or other means as much as it relies on placement. So you need maintenance on your slate roof or want to get one, call 865-238-2628 to schedule your appointment.

Can Roofs Be Repaired?

Roof repair

How Much Should a Roof Repair Cost?

Generally speaking, most homeowners spend between three hundred dollars and one thousand one-hundred dollars for a roof repair. Numerically, these costs range between $300 and $1,100. On average, it costs about $650 to fix a roofing related problem. If your local, qualified roofer recommends repairs in excess of $3,000, it might be important to consider a roof replacement instead. The average cost to replace a roof in 2019 for a moderately-sized room is over $7,500.

Can Roof Be Repaired?

Roof repair is a very common service that roofing companies provide. When roofs don’t need to be replaced any time soon, repairs can be extremely beneficial. When storms roll through the neighborhood, for example, shingles may get pulled off the roof due to extreme winds. In such instances, an insured roofer from a roofing company will patch the damaged areas of the roof. Torn or deteriorated shingles can be removed and new ones attached in their stead.

Can I Claim for a Leaking Roof On Insurance?

There are instances where homeowners’ insurance can cover a roof leak. However, the instance depends upon whether or not the root cause is a covered peril. In many instances, a homeowner’s insurance policy will help to repair the roof leak unless the policy has a hail or wind exclusion.

Who Do You Call to Fix a Leaky Roof?

If you have a leaking roof, it is imperative that you call a reliable, insured roofing company. It is of particular importance that the roofing company that homeowners select has excellent credentials and a long list of successful roof repairs and replacements. Roofs require expertise, which is why it’s important to use a roofing company versus a handyman. Roofing companies are also insured, which means that if anything goes wrong, financial coverage is available.

How Do You Temporarily Fix a Leaky Roof?

If you need to temporarily repair your leaky roof, the best thing for you to do is to drape a tarp over the affected area and call a reputable roofing company. According to a simple internet search, there are alternative methods that other homeowners have taken. For instance, you can make a temporary patch with roofing tar and a piece of shingle or plywood. With the proper tools and materials, you can trowel the roofing tar into the leak on the underside of the roof deck using a putty knife. The homeowner can then push the shingle or plywood into the tar and trowel additional roofing tar around the edges of the patch. As always, it is important to exercise caution and seek a professional roofing contractor for any roofing problems.

Can You Repair Roof Trusses

If your roof trusses are in need of repair, it is important for you to understand the process. Please review the following list of steps to find out more.

  • Carefully look over the roof truss. Make notes concerning what needs to be altered.
  • Measure the size of the roof truss. There are many different sizes of roof trusses, which is why it’s important to determine the exact size.
  • In order to replace the roof truss, you will need to find additional roofing materials to replace existing, flawed ones. To this end, cut two pieces of lumber four feet long. These pieces of lumber will serve as patches. They will be installed on each side of the broken roof truss. 
  • Attach the truss patches. Place the 4-foot board against the flat side of the broken truss. Wood screws can be used for this process.
  • Next, apply the second patch to the other flat side of the truss and alined with the first patch. Once again, use wood screws. With the repairs, the roof truss will regain integrity.

Is Roof Repair Covered by Insurance

As previously mentioned, homeowners’ insurance can cover a roof leak if the leak was caused by a peril that is covered in the homeowner’s insurance policy. Unless the policy has a clearly stated hail or wind exclusion, it will cover storm insurance. It is important to understand that any roof leaks that have been caused by lack of maintenance or wear and tear will generally not be covered by insurance.

Roof Repair for RV

In order to get a quality roof repair job for your RV, it’s important to consider which roofing companies administer roof repairs for recreational vehicles. If possible, ask a friend or associate for a referral. An internet search usually yields excellent results. A list of roofing companies in your area will pop up on your screen. Please make sure to select a roofing company that is insured and has credentials.

roof repair

Roof Repair and Gutter Cleaning

Roofing companies don’t always assist with gutter repairs or gutter cleaning. Homeowners are advised to do their research. Nonetheless, if you do notice that your gutters are clogged, and you need roof repairs, it is advisable for you to move forward with those projects.

If you think you need roof repair in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN, call Burell Built Roofing, LLC at 865-238-2628 to speak with our staff about making an appointment today!

What to do if the roof is leaking during a storm?

Roof leak coming through ceiling

Emergency roofing services

If you’ve ever needed it, you probably found out quickly that emergency roof repair services rarely happen right then, at the very moment. With that in mind, every homeowner would benefit by having an emergency roof repair kit on hand so you can do a temporary emergency roof repair yourself until professional help arrives!

Because professional 24-hour emergency roof repair isn’t immediately at your beck and call, knowing how to do emergency roof repair DIY could be the difference between salvaging things and losing everything.

Is a leaking roof an emergency?

No matter when a roof leak happens, it is a problem, but during a rainstorm, it quickly turns into an emergency. Which is when a roof leak will usually appear, unfortunately, which is why roofing contractors are their busiest, and why having the knowledge and supplies to do a temporary emergency roof repair yourself.

How do you temporarily fix a leaky roof?

By the time you a leak in your house, the drywall is probably saturated and if it isn’t addressed quickly, the ceiling and wall could start crumbling. First things first, call an emergency roofing service, as we discussed earlier, they probably won’t be “right there, ”, so getting your call in first gets that wheel turning.

The next thing you need to is to stop the dripping with an emergency repair. Not sure how to do that?  Follow the following steps and you’ll have a temporary patch until a professional roofing contractor arrives.

Emergency Roof Patch

  1. Start this emergency roof repair by climbing up in the attic and remove the insulation from the wet area of the ceiling drywall and dry up any water puddled or standing. Place a piece of plywood over the joists and sit a bucket on it. This will catch any water that still comes through the hole. Do not place the bucket directly on the ceiling drywall because as it fills up with water, the weight may push it all the way through to the room below.
  2. Look for where the leak is, usually, you can follow the water running or trickling along the rafters or you may notice it on the underside of the decking.
  3. Using a sheet of plywood and roofing tar, you’ll make a temporary patch. Using a trowel, smear the roofing tar on the underside of the decking over the leak and then smooth it with a putty knife.  Fit the plywood on to the tar and trowel roofing tar on the edges of the plywood patch.
  4. Measure from the leak to the gable and from the leak to the ridge. After the rain has stopped, go up on the roof, wearing rubber-soled shoes, and measure those same dimensions. Using roofing tar, spread on the underside of the shingles to fortify them and stop the leak.

What If You Don’t Have Attic Access?

  1. If you don’t have access to the attic, an emergency roof repair can be done by starting with the construction of a plastic roof cover with a four-foot roll of six-mil polyethylene plastic.
  2. Unroll it plastic without unfolding it and measure the amount it takes to cover the roof section from eave to ridge plus four additional feet, then using a utility knife to cut the plastic. Now open one-fold and create an eight-foot strip.
  3. Taking 2x4x8 and taking one end of the plastic wrap around the 2×4 and staple it. Nail another 2x4x8 to the first so that the plastic is sandwiched between them.
  4. Take this up to the roof and position the wood at the eaves, stretching the plastic over the guessed are of the leak and over the ridge, stapling the plastic’s other end to a third 2x4x8 and create another sandwich with plastic between a fourth 2x4x8. Place 2 boards measuring 2x4x3 so they hang over the ridge on the opposite side.

Can a leaking roof collapse?

Yes, if a roof has aged and not been repaired or replaced, it can be in danger of collapsing, especially if it has gotten wet.  Signs to watch for possible collapsing:

  • Walls have cracks
  • Cracked or sagging ceiling
  • Leaks from the ceiling inside the house
  • Roof creaks and pops
  • Doors & windows won’t open
  • Doors open alone
  • Sagging roof
  • Bent or rippled roof supports
  • Bent and/or missing framing screws
  • Deformed roof structure
  • Exterior masonry cracks

Does a leaky roof cause mold?

Yes, and not just one type of mold, but two: Limited or Systemic.

Limited growth mold happens when ventilation is enough in the attic so that moisture can exhaust. The mold stays in the leak area. Systemic growth happens when moisture can build up because the roof leak is large or long term. The mold will grow through the entire attic.

warping shingles

Is a leaking roof covered by insurance?

This varies from policy to policy, but in case of natural disaster, yes, homeowner’s insurance will cover emergency roof repair or replacement in most cases. If the adjuster determines it causes the leak because of owner neglect, such as not having the roof cleaned and inspected, not making repairs as needed. As a prepared and responsible homeowner, having an emergency roof repair kit and supplies on hand is just as important as changing the air filter, draining the water heater, and other small tasks. Small tasks that can keep small problems from turning into a major catastrophe. If you have a leaking roof in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN, Burell Built Roofing, LLC can help! Call us today at 865-238-2628!

How effective is roof insulation?

roof insulation

What is roofing insulation? 

The purpose of the roof of your home is to protect you and your belongings from the climate and elements. However, it doesn’t do a thorough job of keeping cool or warm air inside your house. It needs roof insulation to ensure that the cool or warm air doesn’t escape through the rooftop. 

Roof insulation is a secondary barrier to ceiling, attic, and walls. Roof insulation comes in R-Value ratings, which is an industry-standard in measuring the insulating capacity. Home in northern areas that have a cold climate, the higher the R-Value the better insulation. 

Does roof insulation make a difference?

For most homeowners, cooling and heating their home accounts for almost half of their energy expenses, which leads most of us to seek a way to lower those costs. One way to reduce that expense is by adding roof insulation to your home. 

We learn in elementary science that heat rises. During the winter, you lose most of your heat through the attic. During the summer, as much as 20% of our air conditioning is going through the attic. Roof insulation can increase the efficiency of your home by keeping the cool air and warm air where they should be – in the main part of the house, keeping everyone comfortable. 

So, what type of roof insulation is best? The best roof insulation material is rigid foam boards or and spray foam insulation. They commonly apply spray foam between attic rafters and act as roof insulation and waterproofing by providing not only high R-value insulation, but a moisture barrier too. 

The rigid foam insulation comes in various thicknesses in panels or sheets and is roof insulation with plywood, installed between the rafters of the attic, directly under the attic rafters, or both. It also provides not just roof insulation, but a moisture barrier, too, and is high R-value rated. 

What is the best insulation for roofs?

There are two key types of roof insulation product:

  • Bulk – Largely affects transfer heat flow between touching objects
  • Reflective foil – Mainly affects the radiation of the heat flow.

Bulk roof insulation is the best because it traps the still air pockets within its structure, which provides resistance to heat flow, creating an insulating effect. Bulk roof insulation should not be compressed, which reduces the number of air pockets and lose insulating properties. Bulk roof insulation is available: 

  • Blanket or Batts – best for flat ceilings and pitched metal roofing or tile roofing.
  • Board Insulation – best for cathedral ceilings where space is limited between the ceiling and roof.
  • Loose-Fill Insulation – used in ceilings but because it loses its effectiveness over time faster, it is not the best roof insulation to use.

Should you insulate roof rafters?

An attic needs to be ventilated in order to prevent ice dams when the weather is wet and below freezing. By applying roof insulation between the rafters, the heat can’t get to those areas where ice dams form. If you feel that you need to apply roof insulation between the rafters, experts recommend using Icynene. This is expensive but an effective roof insulation and the ROI will take decades. 

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends a home to have roof insulation and wall insulation to get optimum energy efficiency. Areas recommended are the attic, the attic access door, including the joist space, exterior walls, and unheated garages, especially if the water heater is in the garage or on an exterior wall.

spray foam insulation

How long does roof insulation last?

Most homeowners that purchase a previous-owned property are not aware of how old the roof insulation is and will often estimate its value. If a home has spray foam roof insulation combined with house wrap insulation and wraps tape, have an average lifespan of 80 years or longer according to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. Other types of roof insulation like cellulose, foam board, loose-fill, loose-fill & rock wool insulation last a hundred years.

Roof insulation is durable, and the materials used today are resistant to humidity and weather. However, there are some factors that can weaken roof insulation, such as water, aka roof leak. Another factor that can affect roof insulation is punctures. The whole length of roof insulation becomes ineffective when any part of it is punctured.

Cellulose, fiberglass, or any batt roof insulation can come off the attic ceiling and crawl space around its 15th year of installation. The empty spots left are prone to mold growth and become dirty and dusty, making it less effective.

Roof insulation has several benefits for your home and your family.  Among them are:

  • Increases your home’s comfort and living environment.
  • Increases outside sounds.
  • Increases your home’s energy efficiency by keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, requiring less use of appliances such as air conditioners and heaters.
  • Reduces your home’s environmental footprint and impact.

With these four things in mind, choose the best installation your budget can afford, keeping in mind that it may cost you now, but the savings over the long run will be many, for you and the environment. Call 865-238-2628 today for your roof insulation needs in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN.

Is a metal roof better than shingles?

Metal roofing

Metal Roofing For Quality Protection

Whether it is brand new construction or an existing home, choosing a metal roof or shingles metal roof or shingles of a traditional style can make a difference in the overall appearance. The style of your home will impact the roofing material you choose. The area where you live may have input on the style of roof you choose, such as neighborhoods that are managed by an HOA. In some cities, there may be code restrictions regarding metal roofing.  

The Durability, Longevity, and Other Metal Roofing Facts

  • A common question among those considering metal roofing is how long does a metal roof last? The immediate answer to this question is 50 years, but that depends on the metal. An aluminum or steel roof has lasted 50 years, even longer. Copper and zinc metal roofing have lasted over 100 years on many structures. Regardless of which type of metal you choose for your roofing, they all will last three to seven times more than the average asphalt shingle roof. 
  • Another common question that homeowners will ask roofing contractors is “Do metal roofs dent easily?” As popular as metal roofing is, this is one drawback: It dents. But not easily!  It takes a significant weight, such as a large tree limb or hailstone to dent a properly installed metal roof. Some types of metal dent easier than others, such as aluminum or copper, and other types of metal are stronger, like steel. 
  • The third most common question about metal roofing is “Do Metal Roofs leak?”. To answer this, and reinforce the answers to the other two questions, we must state the importance of metal roof with decking and metal roof without decking.

The roof deck is the layer between the joists and trusses, which are the structural components, the layers of insulation, and weatherproofing. For residential structures, plywood is the most common material used for roof decking. It dispenses the weight of the roofing material evenly over the house and provides a level of support with the joists and trusses.

This roof decking supports the roof and provides a layer of protection for you and your home. When answering the question about leaking, metal roofing can leak if not installed correctly, and if you skip regular maintenance, such as checking that the screws are still in place. The roof decking provides another line of protection against leaks. A metal roof with gutters is just as important as an asphalt shingle roof with gutters to help prevent leaking and other damage. 

Sheet metal

Additional Benefits of Metal Roofing

While it isn’t something that you would do on a regular basis, many people will request for a metal roof you can walk on. This can come up if there is a need to clean the roof or windows, or If you need to make repairs, such as making sure the screws are in place.

Where there is metal roofing, the first word of caution is if you do not have experience in walking at heights, then don’t. Call an experienced professional to do whatever it is to be done. One example would be clogged plumbing that may require cleaning the rooftop vent or repair to your chimney or HVAC system. However, if you do need to walk on your metal roofing, three things you need to make sure of:

  • Wear soft-soled shoes
  • Do not drop heavy tools
  • Walk only in the right spots

There are several benefits to having metal roofing. The first being, the curb appeal is enhanced. When it comes to questions like “Do metal roofs keep your house cooler?”, the answer is yes. Because metal roofing has a low thermal mass, it reflects heat and light instead of absorbing it. When a specialized coating is applied over metal roofing, any heat will re-emitted, keeping the attic cooler, and that keeps your house cooler. 

Last, but not least, the question of metal roof that is common is “Does a metal roof lower your insurance?”. Some of this will depend upon the age and type of structure the metal roofing is installed upon. Roof replacement is expensive, and nobody knows this better than insurance companies.  

Because asphalt shingle roofing is more susceptible to leaking, and if your home is in a storm intense area, such as Tornado Alley, your insurance company is likely to reward you with lower rates when choosing metal roofing materials. Research has proven that homes with metal roofing are not only better equipped in storms but also in case of fire. These are things that minimize insurance claims.

While the initial cost of metal roofing is substantially more than asphalt roofing, the durability and longevity of metal roofing is longer. Along with the insurance savings, it will give you a higher ROI over the years.   Dial 865-238-2628 today to learn if metal roofing in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN is right for you!

What is Commercial Roofing?

Commercial Roofing

What is a Commercial Roof?

Commercial roofing systems differ radically from residential roof systems. The principal reason for this is due to the fact that commercial roof systems have a different purpose. Commercial roof systems are usually far larger, typically flat, and need to be built to last. While residential roof systems can be more intricate and streamlined for individual purposes (and are usually composed of asphalt shingles) commercial roof systems are more generic and engineered to fit the purpose of the building. Commercial flat roof systems vary in roofing material, ranging from EPDM to modified bitumen, to TPO or PVC.

What are the Different Types of Commercial Roofs?

There are many different types of commercial roofs, but the six most common roof classifications are included below. Please browse through the following bullet points to learn more.

  • Built-Up Roofing (BUR) Membrane
  • Metal Roofing
  • EPDM
  • Thermoplastic, otherwise known as PVC and TPO Roof Membrane
  • Green Roofing System

What is the Best Commercial Roofing Material?

As previously stated, with so many different variations of commercial roofing material, the idea of the best roofing material will ultimately depend upon the location of the building, the prevailing weather patterns, and more. For instance, a metal roof may last decades, but if the location is near the coast, the metal roof can rust unless it is composed of a rust-free metal. Flat roofs are one of the most common types of roofs for commercial buildings and are far more affordable than a metal option. Budget is an important consideration for many business owners, thus the final decision will depend upon this, among other factors.

What is the Best Type of Roof for a Flat Roof?

According to different roofing sources, the current most popular form of a flat roof is EPDM. This is because EPDM is very affordable, has a quick installation time, and has a long life expectancy. EPDM roofs are made from recycled materials and have a long lifespan, which also helps the environment. Another environmentally friendly option is a spray-applied coating. These are a great flat roof replacement because they can be directly applied to the roofing surface. Flat roofs have three main options for their coatings. These coatings are silicone, acrylic, and aluminum.

How Long Should a Commercial Roof Last?

A commercial roofing consultant will be able to discuss your best roofing options. A commercial consultant will also be able to discuss how long your commercial roof should last. These determinations will help you come to a good decision for your business. Ultimately, a commercial roof’s lifespan can vary and usually depends on the type of materials used and the installation process. Please review the following lifespans for common roofing systems.

  • Asphalt roof system: twenty to forty years.
  • Metal roof system: thirty to forty-five years.
  • TPO roof system: twenty-two to thirty years.
  • EPDM roof system: twenty-two to thirty-five years.

How Hard is Commercial Roofing?

Commercial roofing is an extremely physical job. Traversing wide expanses of a roof the size of a football field while applying roofing materials in direct sun is not a job for the faint of heart. Commercial roofing is harder than residential roofing for this very reason. There are also chemicals and fumes, which must be endured. Commercial roofing is very hard.

What is Commercial Roofing?

Commercial roofing is defined as building a roof structure for a commercial building. As previously stipulated, it’s a laborious task that involves applying metal or flat roof material to the surface of a roof. These roofs must be seamless, and impermeable to rain. Commercial roofs are large and thus such roofing tasks must be delegated to true roofing professionals. These roofs must also be built to last, as they usually come with excellent warranties.

Commercial Roofing and Paving

Many different roofing companies offer commercial roofing and paving services. This is because many roofing companies have the expertise to handle flat roof surfaces such as balconies and pavement. In order to determine whether a roofing company in your area would be willing to offer such services, an internet search will help gather relevant options. 

Commercial Roofing and Sheet Metal

Commercial roofing companies have been known to offer sheet metal services. Sheet metal is used for many different industrial purposes, including the production of roofs for buildings. Ultimately, metal coils/sheets are the foundation of metal roof systems. Metal coils are long, continuous metal rolls that have been treated or coated with paint. These metal coils are rolled out, cut and then roll-formed for installation into a panel. In addition to these metal panels, there are many different metal roofing accessories that are necessary for a commercial metal roof installation.

Scheduling an appointment for your commercial roofing has never been easier. Our staff at Burell Built Roofing, LLC are ready to take your phone call at 865-238-2628. Discover more about what our commercial roofing in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN can do for you!

Should Roof Be Insulated?

A Picture of a Man Insulating a Roof Using Mineral Wool.

Roof Insulation Benefits

If you’ve lived in Tennessee for a long time, you know how cold the winters can get. The best way to keep our homes warm in the winter is by cranking up the heat. While this is an easy way to warm our home in the winter months, it can prove to be very expensive. You can reduce the temperature on your thermostat and resign yourself to wearing bulky sweaters all winter, but that isn’t going to reduce the cost of your heating bills. One of the reasons that heating bills can be so high, aside from increasing the heat, is that air tends to rise and escape in areas that are not well insulated. One of areas that is not always well insulated is the roof. In order to reduce heating bills and keep your home comfortable in the winter, its a good idea to invest in roof insulation. There are many benefits to installing roof insulation in your home.

  • Lower Heating Bills: By insulating your roof, you can lower your heating bills by at least 15%.
  • Greater Indoor Air Quality: Areas, where air can get in, can also let in mold, dust, and dirt, but insulation can provide you with better indoor air quality.
  • More Comfortable Home: Whether it’s hot or cold outside, having roof insulation can make your home way more comfortable.
  • Extended HVAC Lifespan: Because air is seeping through cracks or tiny holes in your home, that can cause your HVAC system to work harder. Insulation can prevent air from escaping your home, which in turn extends the life of your HVAC system.
  • Offers More Home Protection: Without proper insulation heat and moisture can eventually damage the structure of your home.
  • Reduces Noise: Not only can it make your home comfortable, save you money, and protect your home, roof insulation can also reduce noise.

What Is the Best Material for Roof Insulation?

When it comes to insulating your roof, you want to make sure that you are getting the best insulation. There are a couple of roof insulation options to choose from. The first option is loose insulation, which is made of recycled fibers and fiberglass. Some of the benefits of this insulation are that it’s affordable, easy to install, and it is great for filling large areas. The downsides to loose insulation are it can collapse over time, it can affect your health, and if there is a leak it can make finding moisture hard.

The second option for roof insulation is spray foam, which can be made from latex or liquid polyurethane. It is able to insulate your roof so that it’s protected against the weather and low or high temperatures, and many people use it instead of caulking. This type of insulation has to be installed by an expert and if you are filling large areas, it can be expensive.

The third option for insulation is batts or rolls. Batts and rolls are prefabricated rolls that are made of loose substances or rock wool. This is another easy and affordable way to insulate your roof and it’s great for insulating small areas. Just like loose insulation, it can be bad for your health, can collapse, and can be hard to find moisture in the roof. When deciding on roof insulation, it’s important to talk with a professional to find the best insulation for your roof.

Roof Insulation Vs Attic Insulation

When it comes to roof versus attic insulation, many people want to know which one they need. Attic insulation is when insulation is added to the ceiling plane, whereas roof insulation is added below and above the rafters and on the roof slope. If you don’t have a roof or attic insulation, then most suggest that you get attic insulation first. This is because it is more cost-effective than roof insulation. A lot of people ask, “Can you put too much insulation in attic?” and the answer is yes. When there is too much attic insulation, it makes it hard for moisture to escape, which causes mold and indoor air quality issues. It is important to note that a lot of homes don’t have roof insulation, so if you have an attic insulation and not roof insulation, then you need to call someone to install this type of insulation for your roof.

Roof Insulation Installation

A Picture of a Man Wearing a Mask While Installing Insulation.

How Much Does Roof Insulation Cost?

When it comes to roof insulation and wall insulation, and more, you might be wondering what the cost is. Depending on the insulation material that is used will determine the cost, but it can be anywhere from $1,000 to $4,000. If you are in the market for Louisville and Chattanooga, TN roof insulation, its important to call the professionals at Burell Built Roofing, LLC. Our team of roofers is able to answer questions like, “Can you put new insulation over old?” and “How do you insulate an unvented roof?” as well as help you pick out the best insulation material that fits your budget. Insulation is important for every aspect of your home–it can protect your plumbing such as the pipes so you can avoid leaking pipe repair, so its important to give your roof the same protection. For the best roof insulation service in the area, give us a call at 865-238-2628.

How Do You Know If Your Roof Is Leaking?

Peeling or bubbling ceiling paint indicates your roof may be leaking.

Signs of a roof leak

Leaking roofs can be a serious problem for homeowners, but it’s not always easy to tell if your roof is leaking. Leaking roofs may not be as obvious as a drip from the ceiling.

To know for sure if you have a leaking roof, below are some signs you can look for.

  • Water stains: If you see dark stains, discoloration or peeling paint on your ceiling, it is likely you have a leaking roof.
  • Drips: Drips from the ceiling are obvious signs of leaking roofs. Moisture build ups on the ceiling or walls could be a sign of a roof leak. Drips, even if they go away, should never be ignored.
  • Spots on exterior walls: If you notice water spots on your exterior walls, especially underneath the roof line, you may have a leak. Often such water spots indicate a problem with flashing.
  • Moss or mold on exterior walls: Moss or mold growing on outside walls may indicate a roof leak, usually caused by damage to gutters and downspouts.
  • Missing shingles or debris in gutter downspouts: If you spot missing shingles,it’s possible water is getting inside the home where the shingle is missing. Debris like granules from shingles indicates your shingles are wearing and may be allowing water inside your home.

Is a roof leak an emergency?

Leaking roofs do not necessarily pose an emergency, although roof leaks should not be ignored for long. However, if you have a sudden leak break loose, especially following a heavy rainfall or storm or caused by hail damage, you need to get that leak repaired as soon as possible. Leaks that come on swiftly may saturate the drywall and cause it to crumble.

Roof emergency calls

If you have a leaking roof or need any kind of emergency roofing in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN, be sure to contact the roofing professionals at Burell Built Roofing, LLC. We answer emergency calls 24/7, so give us a call anytime at 865-238-2628.

In the same way you should tend to roof leaks quickly, you also need to make any repairs in your gas line as quickly as possible. Gas line leaks can be dangerous and require immediate attention.

Roof leak emergency what to do

If you have a roof leak emergency, there are steps you can take to protect your roof and home from more damage before professional roofers get there for repairs.

The leak may not be obvious at first, as the water may be pooling in the attic or ceiling before it finds a place to burst through. If you notice your ceiling is holding water or there is a bulge in the drywall, you can poke a small hole in the center of the bulge with a screwdriver to drain the water in that spot. This lessens the damage to the ceiling and forms it into one stream. Collect the water in a large trash container rather than buckets or pans, so the container can be hauled outside for disposal.

You may want to remove or cover any items that can be damaged by the leaking roof once you’ve gotten the leak contained to one area.  You can follow up by searching for the source of the leak inside the house. Often the best place to start is in the attic. You can usually trace the source along rafters or along the roof deck.

Emergency Roof Help

If you have an emergency roof leak or need any help with any emergency roof repairs in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN , know you can depend on the professionals at Burell Built Roofing, LLC. We will get out to you as soon as possible.

Emergency roof tarp

Once the rain lets up, you may want to search for the leak on the roof and place an emergency roof tarp over the area to prevent further leaking until your roofer arrives to help. Make sure to cut the plastic so that it fully covers the damaged areas. As a good rule, measure out the tarp an extra 4 feet or so to make sure the area is covered completely.  The tarp should over the ridge line and the eaves. Use 2-by-4s to hold the tarp down. If you use staples or nails, make sure not to use ones that are so large they will penetrate the roof.

How to do emergency roof repairs

One of the best options for emergency roof repairs is placing a tarp over the area affected. This should be done once any rain clears. The tarp can help prevent any further damage until a roofing professional can arrive to make the repairs.

Loose or damaged shingles can be repaired as a temporary fix to a roof leak.

How do I temporarily fix a leaky roof?

If you have a leaking roof, besides tarping it over until help arrives there are a few other options you may want to take for temporary repairs. You can readhere loose or curling shingles. You can straighten curling shingles by softening them with a heat gun and reapplying them with roofing cement. Loose shingles can be slid back under the bottom edge of the row above it. Secure the loose shingle with galvanized nails and cover the nails with roofing cement. Roofing cement can also be applied to cracked or worn joints at the edge of flashing. Always take care when working on the rooftop.

Who do I call for a leaky roof?

While you may make some temporary repairs like fixing loose shingles or placing a tarp over your roof, when you have a leaking roof, you can rely on the roofing professionals at Burell Built Roofing, LLC for quality roof leak repairs.

What damage can a leaking roof cause?

Leaking roofs can cause all sorts of problems for your home if they go unrepaired for too long. Your attic and ceiling are usually the primary areas to suffer from a leaking roof. Insulation can get water damaged, your roof’s framework can deteriorate.  Damaged insulation can affect your home’s energy efficiency. Paint on ceilings and walls can bubble and crack and stains can form. Any ceiling-mounted lights or fans can also be damaged.

Another risk of roof leaks is mold and mildew. Mold can affect your health and spread throughout the home’s structure, weakening it. Water damage can create fire hazards, especially in areas like the attic where wiring may be exposed.

Call today

Anytime you have a leaking roof in  Louisville and Chattanooga, TN or have any other emergency roofing problem, you can rely on the professionals at Burell Built Roofing, LLC. Give us a call today at  865-238-2628.

How does roof insulation work?

Insulation helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

Should roof be insulated?

To keep your home warm in the winter, your roof should be insulated. Because heat rises, it will head up to your roof, rather than keeping the home warm below. As much as a quarter of all heat in a home will be lost if your roof and attic aren’t insulated properly.

While most people think of roof insulation for heat and keeping their homes warm, it also helps keep homes cool in warm weather. In the summers, it will help keep your home cool by blocking outside heat.

Insulation also helps keep your heating and cooling systems working more efficiently and effectively. This will lower your energy costs during the hottest and coldest times of the year. Additionally, insulation will reduce noise and add value to your home.

What is the best insulation for roofs?

Generally, there are two kinds of insulation, fiberglass and foam insulation. Fiberglass insulation is the least expensive and usually easiest to install. It comes in batts or is rolled. It has to be fitted in tightly to reduce air flow.

Insulation is assigned an R-value which is measures the ability to resist heat flow.

Foam comes in two styles, either spray foam or rigid foam. Spray foam is usually used in the space between attic rafters, while rigid foam, which comes in sheets or panels, can be installed between rafters or beneath them. Both types of foam generally have high R-values.

While any type of insulation will work for roofs, some prefer foam because it usually manages air flow better and the R-values are higher. Fiberglass insulation can sometimes get compressed, causing its R-value to decrease. If fiberglass isn’t fitted in properly it can leave gaps for airflow.

As your roof insulation service, Burell Built Roofing, LLC in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN, we usually recommend blown fiberglass over cellulose because it is fire resistant, durable and has very minimal settling. If you’re interested in learning more about our insulation services call  865-238-2628.

If insulation is installed properly and you have enough of it, you’ll find these signs in common:

  • Even temperatures throughout the house: If your home has rooms colder than others, you’re insulation is poorly installed or you need more of it.
  • Lower energy bills: When you have enough insulation, it helps your heating and air systems run more efficiently.
  • Consistent temperatures in walls, floors and ceilings: Really cold walls, floors or ceilings indicate poor insulation. Insulation should help keep temperatures consistent.
  • Lack of drafts: Insulation should seal up gaps that let cold air into the house.
  • Prevention of leaks: Adequate insulation keeps moisture at bay.
Spray foam insulation is one insulation option.

Can I insulate my attic roof?

Anybody can insulate an attic roof as a DIY project. You will have to determine how much insulation you will need and whether you will want to use fiberglass or foam insulation. Fiberglass usually the least expensive for DIY projects. You will also have to make sure your roof is properly ventilated.

Roof insulation and ventilation have to work together to maintain airflow and keep moisture out of the attic. Moisture build up can cause leaks and mold and mildew to grow. To properly ventilate an attic when it’s insulated, you will need to install rafter vents. They are placed under the roof sheathing between rafters. Make sure you clear obstructions to other vents as well.

In a finished attic, you may not be able to get to all openings like the ceiling without removing drywall or other finishing material.

Do roofers do insulation? If you aren’t up to a DIY project, you may want to hire roofers to do it for you. Our team of roofers is available for all your roofing needs.

Since heating and air systems are affected by insulation service, you might want to have professionals take a look at your heating and air systems to make sure they are working properly. Our locations in Alabama have great service for heating repair in AL.

Some roofing systems like cathedral roofs have little or no attic space. Roof insulation with no attic is still possible with these types of roofs. Rigid foam insulation usually serves well in these cases. Our roofing professionals can answer questions about your insulation needs. Give them a call at 865-238-2628.

Can you put new insulation over old?

New insulation can be placed over old insulation. But avoid placing new insulation over the old if the old insulation is wet. If the old insulation is wet it’s possible mold and mildew could form.

Roof insulation contractors

If you plan to install insulation in your home, you may want to check into our roof insulation contracting services in Louisville and Chattanooga, TN and surrounding areas. To learn more about our services give us a call at 865-238-2628. We are ready to help you.

What Energy Efficiency Rating Is My House

White Metal Roof

Light Colored Metal Roofing Can Help Your Energy Efficiency.

Trying to be energy efficient can seem exhausting. You can unplug appliances, turn off lights, and close your shutters, but what does that really do for you long term? If you really want to be more energy efficient, there are changes that can be made to your home. Changes like, getting a new roof or putting solar panels on your home. These are sustainable ways that don’t require you to think about anything other than the lower energy bill you will be getting in the mail once a month. Making sure that you know the different energy efficient appliances to give yourself an energy efficiency home crash course is the best way to figure out what will work for you and your budget. Energy efficiency is generally defined as the way in which one would lower their energy usage and find out what works best in their home to help conserve energy. Many people do this for environmental reasons, but the biggest reason of all is to save money. The terms energy efficiency vs energy conservation are always used interchangeably, but they do mean slightly different things. To conserve energy means that you are trying to keep it saved and managed. To be energy efficient is to still use energy but use it in the most useful and effective way possible. Both are doing the same things and are trying to save you money.

Energy Efficiency Tips For Winter

There are a few different ways to be energy efficient during the winter. One of the best ways is to get roof insulation put in. This will help keep the heat inside of your home and not let the outside cold affect the temperature inside of the house. If you have a gas furnace, turn it off or only use it when it is fully necessary. Gas is great, but if you are trying to save money flip it off. If you have the option of a wood burning fireplace, that can be a great option to utilize. Make sure that you are opening your curtains and letting the light into your house on those cold days. Keeping the shutters closed will actually keep your home cooler. The less gas or electricity that is used, the better, so be conscious of your choices throughout the day.

Questions About Energy Efficiency

Why is energy efficiency important?

There are so many reasons why energy efficiency is important and should be to you as well. It will save you a lot of money in the long run to make sure that you are being careful about how much energy you are using. It will also increase your overall comfort because you will remain at a constant temperature in your home. Things like wall insulation is something that will help tremendously with that. The biggest reason that energy efficiency is important is because it will save you money on your energy bill every single month.

What are the benefits of energy efficiency?

The biggest benefit that you will actually see for yourself will be that your energy bill will be lower than it is currently. When you start to take out the things in your life that will take energy out of your home, you will see a difference in the way the air is and present a cleaner more non toxic home. You will also be reducing greenhouse gases and helping the Earth become a cleaner and better place.

How can we improve energy efficiency?

We can start improving energy efficiency in many different ways. Talking to a contractor about putting on a special roof or even solar panels is a great way to help keep the sun’s harmful uv rays off of your home and turn it into energy that can be used. There are big and small things that we can do to help get the most out of the energy that we are using and it is important to look for different ways that we can keep our bills lower and also do better for the environment.

Tips For Energy Efficiency

  • Using a low flow shower head
  • Insulated walls
  • Insulated roof
  • Light Colored roofing system
  • Energy efficient appliances
  • Turning off lights
  • Thicker curtains with lining

There are so many different ways that you can save energy around your home. Nothing is too big or too small, you just need to start somewhere so that you are able to save money wherever you can. At Burell Built Roofing, LLC, we can help you save money on your roofing system and make it energy efficient if that is your goal. Call us at 865-238-2628 and we can go over everything together and see what would work best for you. Our professionals have been doing this for a long time and will be able to see what you want and then come up with a quote so that we can get started. Making your home more energy efficient is something that you will never regret doing.